An organisation like the City of Glasgow Wind Orchestra takes a certain amount of planning and teamwork in order to run smoothly. Aside from the musical aspects, there are other considerations such as rehearsal accommodation, the looking after and replenishing of equipment and music and, of course, the planning and organising of the concerts and tours.

Throughout its history, the band has been managed by a committee of volunteers drawn from the membership and elected at the AGM. There are normally 8-10 people on the committee and they have a lot to do!

Funding comes from annual membership subscriptions, concert fees, grants, gifts, and fundraising efforts. The committee meets about once a month and also organises the orchestra’s Annual General Meeting in which the allocation of the above roles and the Musical Director is decided and the current financial situation is shared with the other orchestra members.

Chairperson: Vacancy
Treasurer: Alison Glen
Librarian: Iain Glen
Concerts Organiser: Vacancy
Membership Secretary: Heather Boyle
Social Secretary: Vacancy
Equipment Coordinator: Stuart McNally
Social Media Manager: Heather Boyle
Other Committee Members: Ian Simmit, Lynn Jeppesen-Thomson

To contact a member of the committee, please email and your message will be passed on to the relevant person.